
Cirque du Soleil and Bongos

昨日は二年ぶりにシルクドソレイユ『La Nouba』をオーランドに観に行って来ました。


Yesterday, we went to Cirque du Soleil' La Nouva' in Orlando for the 2nd time.
We went there almost 2 years ago.

First, we went to the Cuban Cafe in downtown Disney World.
It's called ' Bongos'.
I really love this restaurant's Yuka Fries.
We ordered 2 dishes , mmmmm yummy!
Bongos is produced by ' Gloria Estefan and Emilio Estefan'.
There were always cool salsa tunes as BGM.
And it was designed in a beautiful tropical style.
The counter has cool conga drums for seats.
I took a lot of photos.

Cirque du Soleil:
It was the 2nd time for us to see the show.
This time we could focus on many more things than before.
We could see a lot of new things during the show this time, even if the show was almost the same.
Anyway, the 90 minutes seemed like 5 minutes.
I still wanted to see more when the show was over.
That is why it was such an amazing show and completely beautiful.
There were beautiful costumes, equipment like Dali's paintings, amazing performances like the Olympics and great music.

I was really surprised that the drummer said that there was no sheet music.
The musicians have to watch the performers very carefully, because they have to be in sync with them when they start and finish their routines.

Some of the performers and musicians have been with the show for 15 years.
They play 10 shows each week.
It's pretty tough. They don't have subs like a musical show.
I was moved so much because they can make each show so fresh and amazing and continue for 15 years.
I could feel the energy and freshness of the performance even having seen the show before.